Brightspyre along with International Islamic University and Jang Group organized National Job Fair (2009) on 9th & 10th of June 2009. Job fair held at the International Islamic (Faisal Mosque Campus) was a huge success. You could see a huge influx of job seekers applying for jobs on 44 stalls representing different companies. A big community of females was also present there. This shows that the trend of keeping women restricted to the households is changing and not only are these girls themselves willing to do jobs but their families are supporting them as well, as they see this as a necessity for the woman of today. The event started in morning and continued till evening with students coming with the same enthusiasm all day. This job fair gave them the opportunity to apply in many companies simultaneously rather then going to these companies individually, that too with the rare chances of even getting called after they drop their resumes.

Brightspyre played a vital role by encouraging students and collected more than 1,500 resumes each day and conducted walk-in-interviews. Besides that, BrightSpyre also arranged two Career Counseling Sessions and invited HR Professionals from industry to guide youth of Pakistan. The topics which were discussed at sessions were

  • Career growth & selection in current market scenario.
  • Market trends.
  • Role of BrightSpyre in Career Guidance.
  • Career within the organization
  • Selection of right career in the right span of time
BrightSpyre offers best jobs in pakistan