Core Programming is highest demand skill.* see details

In Pakistan, 140 Universities are registered with higher education commission; about 80 of them offer Computer Science, Software Engineer, Information Technology and related disciplines BS or MS degrees. Annually, 11,000 IT students graduate from these universities. It is understood, that universities need to develop and foster skills that are required in the industry where students get employment opportunities.
Pakistan has a growing IT industry. There are about 500 to 800 IT and IT enabled companies in Pakistan. IT graduates get jobs in other industries where IT and computer softwares are deployed — this means everywhere in today’s world IT professionals/ IT skilled personnel are required. In addition to this, IT organisations outside Pakistan provide employment opportunities to IT graduates. If a student is studying computer science then preference industry for students is IT industry. This is why Silicon valley exists in the neighbourhood of universities like Stanford and Barkeley.

Most of the companies in IT sector in Pakistan need to hire good quality software engineers. At the same time, they face a-lot of issues in hiring good quality engineers, programmers, network engineers, DBAs, quality assurance engineers and mid and high manager level candidates. the leading job site in Pakistan interacts regularly with the academia and IT industry. At, many IT companies advertise their jobs. At the same time recruitment department at BrightSpyre offers recruitment services to the IT companies. Many a times, it is hard to find right candidates in IT sector as compared to other sectors.

After a lot brainstorming, BrightSpyre came to the conclusion of doing a massive survey upon all the companies comes under IT Umbrella. BrightSpyre is happy to deliver the first version of the report to all the universities and IT students in Pakistan to understand the skills requirements of the IT industry.

We contacted IT companies in Pakistan through emails, phone calls, personal visits to understand their current skill sets through a survey form. We distributed this questionnaire to 400 companies, however 90 of them provided us information.

BrightSpyre team kept the survey short and asked following questions from IT companies in Pakistan

Q 1. Identify the key area you are hiring in ?

Q 2. Where (Programming Language) it is hard to find quality programmers ?

Q 3. Job positions that are hard to fill?

Some BrightSpyre statistics on job applications statistics shows that whenever we post job on our website we get huge response and get right person at right position, unfortunately, if we talk about IT Experts positions, this is dilemma that we do not get fill these positions, neither we find right candidate. 
These statistics are shown in the graph below:

The report of the survey shows that IT companies mostly hire people in Core Programming, and recommend st
udents to be expert in computer programming. Survey shows that there is a huge demand of IT experts in mobile developer/iphone developer, Software engineer(java), andriod expert. Also it is concluded that companies mostly hire people with skill set of C#, Java, PHP, Java Script, Python.  

Conclusion: provided a platform where companies and students can directly coordinate,
Students now on a single click can get information about technology companies from our website. Companies now can get their desired applicants by posting jobs on Brightspyre.

Do you know what answer you got from this report? 
Q: Why most of students doesn’t get job even being qualified?
Q: you think you possess right talent?
Q: what is actually the real market requirement?


This report is the first phase of our research, we will be carrying it all the technology companies. Review of 400 companies will be our next stage, which is in process and will publicize soon. Later we will find problems in other sectors like telecommunications, Oil & Gas etc.

We pay special thanks to all those companies who help us in generating such useful report and who filled questionnaire and took part in this problem solving survey.

Contact us:

209-A, 2nd floor,
Evacuee Trust Complex
F-5/1, Islamabad.
Ph: 051-2871173-75
BrightSpyre offers best jobs in pakistan