2nd Creative Leaders’ Conference (CLC) featuring the theme of “Justuju Ju Karay Wo Choay Asmaan” was held successfully from 13-15 Nov.2009 at Dreamland Motel, Islamabad. Excellence Consultants Institute (ECI) has now decided to hold 3rd Creative Leaders’ Conference (Regional Co-operation) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Foundation from 23-25 April, 2010 at Dreamland Motel, Islamabad. CLC-2010 will assemble 500 young leaders from across the world. The theme of 3rd CLC-2010 is…

It is 3 days residential conference designed to educate, enlighten, encourage and empower the Pakistani youth through workshops, hands on training, re-creational activities and events. Besides eminent scientists, renowned educationalists, politicians and famous sports personalities, successful businesspersons and also the celebrities from showbiz will deliver outstanding lectures on imperative subject matters.

CLC team invites you to attend this Mega Event (3rd CLC-2010).

For detailed information please visit http://www.creativepakistan.com.pk/clc/ and http://www.brightspyre.com/CLC (online registration facility is also available, Last date of registration is 25th of March, 2010).

Following countries are participating in the event this year.

Pakistan, Germany, Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, UAE, South Korea, Bangladesh, Nepal & Turkey)

The event will held in Dreamland Motel, Islamabad from 23rd April to 25th April.

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