BrightSpyre and its parent organization Cogilent Solutions joins hands with UM Healthcare Trust to support relief efforts for Buner and Swat refugees in rural Mardan. BrightSpyre has consented to collect donations/supplies/equipment of all sorts in Islamabad and send it to the victims/refugees in Mardan in collaboration with UM Healthcare Trust.

We urgently require medicines and supplies as listed here:

UM Healthcare Trust ( was established in 2004 with the aim to provide affordable healthcare for the poor and needy in rural Pakistan. Today, By the Grace of God, they are successfully running their services on a regular basis in rural Mardan District of Pakistan. Their hospital is located in the village of Zahidabad, NWFP which is 200KM North of Islamabad. Since September 2008, they have treated over 15,000 patients off which over 5,000 have proper medical histories and tracked on a regular basis.

You can see videos of their efforts at :

UM Healthcare Trust’s hospital in Zahidabad is located at the border of Buner District and therefore, they have witnessed a huge influx of refugees into the area since the conflict began earlier in April 2009. In fact, an estimated 100,000 refugees are located/housed in a 10KM radius of this medical facility. The conflict, that has been going on since the War on Terror began earlier this decade, has caused over 1.5 million refugees in the province of NWFP (North West Frontier Province) of Pakistan. As a response to this crisis, UM Healthcare Trust, in collaboration with its stakeholders (NUST, APPNA among others) has launched a massive healthcare relief effort for the refugees streaming in from the Buner & Swat district.

A photo stream of the efforts can be seen here at

The project is a joint collaboration between UM Healthcare Trust (, NUST (, and APPNA ( and is partially supported by grants from USAID (, ISIF ( and Cybernet ( satellite connectivity for Tele-healthcare servces) and ordinary people like you and me. In this hour of the need for refugees we need your support as we are running short on medical supplies.

No international non-profit is not operating in our area and thus our limited resources are under a lot of stress. NUST ( and BrightSpyre ( have consented to be the collection points for relief goods in Islamabad and Rawalpindi area. We are currently finalizing venues in other cities for collection of relief goods.

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