Another year is about to come to a close and once again we are extremely thankful to our users to make it yet another successful year for us.

is now well into its 8th year and still going strong. We command over 4 million page views a month and rapidly growing database of job seekers now totalling nearly 650,000. Our outreach, within Pakistan, has grown tremendously over the years. We now have users registered with us from 210 different towns and cities of Pakistan. Even resumes /CVs from places as far away as Sehwan Sharif, Pasni and even Wazirstan.

Another important growth curve is the expatriate Pakistani community. Today we have representation from 199 different countries from around the world. Pakistanis living in not only more affluent US and UK are registered with us, but even from places as far away as Bosnia, Brazil and even Rawanda are registered with us.

We thank our users on this auspecious occasion for making it possible to reach these heights. We hope to continue to grow and provide quality services to you in coming years that have become a hall mark of BrightSpyre Jobs site in Pakistan.

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