eWork, a job opportunity that anyone can avail by just sitting at home without having any specialized skills, numerous work experience or higher educational qualification, all it needs is little know-how about computer and internet along with basic English reading – writing skills to do the tasks and earn money.
But who is providing this opportunity to dozens of people in Pakistan?
Its Ville Miettinen – a Finnish, serial entrepreneur, investor, technologist and a board member in several high-tech, social media, and games companies in Finland and Silicon Valley, having more than 32 years of experience now. He is also a partner at Lots, a Nordic boutique VC and accelerator in the field of media technology. He also coaches startups at Aalto Venture Garage (and is partner at Lots, a Nordic boutique VC and accelerator in the field of media technology. He is CEO of Microtask – a company that is commercializing technology for distributing digital labor.
Microtask project is known by eWork in Pakistan, which has been managed and directed by Mr.Faisal Chohan – Senior TED Fellow, TED Prize Winner, Co-founder at BrightSpyre and Pakreport, Tech Entrepreneur and now director of eWork.
Ville’s Trip to Pakistan:
So, Ville had a three day trip to Pakistan and BrightSpyre’s team tried to make the most of it. Besides introducing him to Pakistan – its culture and people, we arranged a proper meet-up session of Islamabad’s successful entrepreneurs and IT heads with Ville in Islamabad Club on Tuesday, 20th 0f May, 2014. The event was sponsored by Jin Technologies (Pvt) Ltd and P@SHA.
Ville explained his reasons of success and shared his entire inspiring life story. “Pakistan is my 78th country that I am visiting”, said Ville, he added “Pakistan is very different from what I came to know through mainstream media, I expected terrorism, slums and unpleasantness but I must say, it’s green, It’s clean and it’s beautiful.”
Ville explained Nokia influence on Finland’s culture, his childhood and educational background, how he excelled in his professional career and how he developed the passion for startups.
The main purpose of the session was to make Pakistani entrepreneur meet with Finland’s and expand their networks internationally and to get aware of all latest technology trends are, in foreign countries.
The Idea of Microtask (eWork):
“I had 150,000 untagged photographs in my laptop, and I was wondering where I should start from to tag those pictures. So, this gave me the idea of hiring someone (labor) who could add some data or digitally enter the data” So, digitalizing Finnish old data/transcripts is the main idea.
Pakistani eWork users have been reported to be satisfied with the work. Many of the users are youngsters who either afford their tuition fees or contribute in family’s total earnings.
“I buy my football kits from the earnings of Microtask. Football is my passion and my family doesn’t support me in financial terms to fulfil my passion, so I do it through working at eWork” said Syed Haider Ali, 21 from Islamabad.
We, at BrightSpyre are aiming to increase this platform to as much users as possible to contribute in minimizing unemployment issues in Pakistan. Start earning today by doing simple tasks at home and also recommend to others.
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